Check back often for updates on Colin's photography adventures (click photos for slide shows).
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
12/9 Tonight Show (Behind the Scenes w/ Sara Bareilles)
Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson (with Mai Bloomfield on cello) performed their amazing new song "Winter Song" together on Leno last night and I captured a few behind the scenes moments (my camera wasn't allowed anywhere near the stage). Here is a portrait of Sara and Ingrid in Sara's dressing room. Here's a gallery of photos and here is the Winter Song music video and performance (skip to 39:30).
I'm actually heading to eureka tomorrow am to photograph saras two homecoming shows but will add galleries to this and the other blog entries when I get back Monday!
Are you still posting more?
I'm actually heading to eureka tomorrow am to photograph saras two homecoming shows but will add galleries to this and the other blog entries when I get back Monday!
Oh, okay. Cool. Can't wait to see them!
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